Sunday, January 8, 2012

A Soft Close

Surprisingly enough (to us), we've heard from quite a few people about our lack of blog posts. So it's time to ring in the new year by (once again) reviewing our original "to do's" from the first post in 2010.
  1. Build house (sub-categories: choose architect, builder, go through committees, move out, tear down pre-existing, non-conforming (PENC) structure, build a new one that might be slightly less non-conforming but at least will have insulation, move back in.)
  2. Buy a car.
  3. Find out if I still have a job next year. (Would greatly help with #s 1 and 2)
  4. Have a baby!!
  5. Get my dog to stop barking randomly.
  6. Figure out all the sub-categories for #s 2-5.
  7. Start blog to help organize the chaos that is rapidly descending on our lives.

I really love crossing out items on my "to do" lists, so this was quite satisfying. Unfortunately Zippy hasn’t stepped up to help out with number 5 yet, and after our recent trip to NY, his "needs improvement" list is growing. It now also includes, “Get my dog to not chase snowplows.”

Zippy and Sophie frolicking in the snow, 
right before the snowplow came by and added another element to their playing.

Actually, we could revamp the whole list with new goals in almost all the categories.
  1. Landscaping and smart interior decorating and storage.
  2. Figure out how to get our other vehicles (bikes) easily in and out of the house in all types of weather (see #1).
  3. Aim for success and happiness at our jobs and our job/home balance.
  4. Make our million daily decisions in raising our happy, healthy toddler.
  5. Yep, see above for the same old dog goal. Sigh, Zippy...

He looks innocent enough.

It's always about the journey, right?  
Housewise, we still attempt a project here and a project there... 

Books for bookshelves

But overall it's now in a state that is allowing us to live. So consider the goals of 2010 closed out, and the blog itself on "a soft closed/semi-sporadic" mode as we leave more time for other adventures. (see #4)!

Anthony and Natalie
Race Point Beach on New Year's Day

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