As if the blog itself weren't enough documentation, it has now become a book of its very own-hold-in-your-hand-proof that we lived through it and are still a happy little family. (The warm toesies are icing on the cake reminders of the happiness.)
Yes, the whole house-building thing was certainly a big project, and yes, putting together the book brought back some anxious feelings, but it's nice that it's all so tidy in 110 pages. Just like it's nice that we actually do fit comfortably in a 20 foot wide house.
The book was done through blurb and is straight from the blog, including it all from our initial post on March 14, 2010 to the post on January 8, 2012.
The first page:

Easy-peasy-slurp-it-into-blurberezy, right? Well, the lay-out did take some time, as well as going back to find all the original pictures in their full resolution gloriness so they would be fit for hard copy. And then of course, there were a few gratuitous pictures thrown in there to tell the story a bit more- like my cliffsnotes version of the outside and inside for the final pages:
With this post, I realize it might be some crazy time-warpy thing to blog about the book that's about our blog, but consider us archived.
- J