Tuesday, February 8, 2011

An Excuse

Take the shortest month of the year. Subtract one week of work from it, but then add more to do at work that month. Put in everything dear to your primary school years: paper hearts, president silhouettes, hundreds collections, book fairs. At the same time continue to carry on with everything else as usual. Throw on some ice, or perhaps a winter thunderstorm, mix in a sore throat with a dash of the sniffles, a throbbing left foot, and a dog that must run despite the elements and throbbing left foot... Something has to go - and that's just my February I'm describing here, let's not start on Anthony's.

Unfortunately for our readers (I think we're up to four or five of you now), the blog was the piece we let slide for a bit this past week. I know you were all on the edge of your seats waiting, and when nothing posted you were probably thinking nothing was happening.

Not true. Things are happening- and at a fast pace. We're even to the point where more decisions are being made: which bathtub do you want? (Not the pink one.) Which shingles do you want? (Already had chicken pox- thankyouverymuch.) Okay, perhaps that last one was a little bit in poor taste. Did I mention a six-month old and sleep deprivation yet?

Anyway, here are some pictures from inside that we took this past weekend:
The big hole in these photos is the stairwell.
I think this was some sort of big radiant floor heating discussion...
or maybe they were just talking about how cute Natalie is.

So why am I writing now? That answer is simple. Clearly I'm procrastinating grading or lesson planning something. Like I said, something always has to go.

Anthony & Natalie outside the house as John closes it back up.

That's all for tonight.
- J

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