Big baby belly
Driving weekly to Boston (sometimes on dirt roads in an attempt to avoid summer traffic)
Everything at once
Floating in the ocean
Gear breaking
Hot and humid
Inching. Forward. Ever. So. Slowly.
Jumping, jabbing Flippy kicks
Kiddie pool- best gift ever
Lots of sunscreen
Mali visits
Negotiating for cars sucks
Plans nearing completion
Quiet? Not our dog (especially when the mailman comes)
Rusting frame...why not now?
Scorching heat
Thumbs of fury (watching Mali text)
Up in the air about everything
VERY hot (have we mentioned this yet?)
Windsurfing instead of waffling at times
Xander? Still looking for viable name suggestions... (comment box below)
You'd think this house would go faster- considering the size
Zoning submitted?
- A, J (and a little bit Mali- in between texting)